As part of my health and healing philosophy, I believe that spiritual health is one of the most important aspects of overall well-being. At the root of many diseases, there are often spiritual and emotional imbalances. During our sessions, we will work together to uncover any trauma or healing that needs to happen, release it to God, and find what is holding you back from walking closely with Him.

Heal from within, rediscover your strength and purpose with Faith-based life coaching 

Embrace Your New Beginning with Faith 

 If you are doing everything to be healthy—taking care of your physical health, diet, exercises, and maintaining healthy habits—but still not feeling like you are thriving, your spiritual and emotional health may be the missing pieces.  Together, we'll work on identifying and healing deep wounds and beliefs that may be holding you back.

Your body, mind, and spirit are all interconnected 

  • Faith-Focused Healing:  The sessions are rooted in Christian values and Biblical principles. I believe that a strong relationship with God is the foundation for healing and living a fulfilling life.                                                                  
  • Clarify Your Vision: Define your God-given purpose and create a clear vision for your future that aligns with your faith and values.          
  • As christian life coach, I will be walking alongside my clients, to help them uncover areas in their lives that require revelation, clarity, wisdom, or healing so that they can experience freedom in all areas of their lives and live fully as God intended. 

Why choose christian life coaching? 

After my treatments, I tried everything to heal physically

focusing on my diet, creating a healthy home environment, using safe products, drinking clean water, acupuncture, chiropractic care, supplements, therapy—you name it. But, despite all my efforts, the anxiety about recurrence wouldn't go away.

I was reading the Bible, praying, going to church, and getting counseling, yet I still struggled with my emotions. It became clear that there were deep-rooted issues I needed to address. God started revealing these issues to me, and I began to uncover thought patterns and behaviors that were holding me back.

This journey opened my eyes to how interconnected our spiritual, physical, and mental health truly are. Facing cancer was a wake-up call that led me to change unhealthy habits and thoughts that were affecting my well-being.

Now, as a certified Christian life coach, I'm here to walk this path with you. Let’s heal and find purpose through faith together, embracing the life God has planned for us.

Contact form

  • You're eager to break free from your trauma and lean to protect your peace.                                                
  • You're committed to developing healthy habits for your body, mind, and spirit.                                                                                                                              
  • You’re looking for practical advice on goal setting and productivity.                                     
  • You’re ready to conquer your fear and step into what God has planned for you to fulfill your purpose in life.                                                                                                             
  • You’re ready to experience inner healing, spiritual growth, and embrace your true identity in Christ.

For pricing and to book a call,
click below 

 Renewed Strength Coaching is for you if ... 

"We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according his purpose"

Romans 8:28 

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