Inspiring Breast Cancer Survivors to Confidently Reclaim Their Health and
Thrive After Cancer 

When I turned 33, life threw me a major curveballI was diagnosed with triple-positive breast cancer. Despite living what I thought was a healthy lifestyle at that time and having no family history of cancer, it still happened. I quickly realized that my doctors didn't have much to say about nutrition or managing chemo side effects. This pushed me to dive deep into research and eventually led me to an integrative medicine doctor. Many of the healing foods he suggested felt so familiar, reminding me of my Japanese upbringing.

After a year of treatment, my interest in holistic cancer care had truly taken root. By May 2018, I got the incredible news I’d been dreaming of—I was cancer-free. But the journey didn’t end there. I found myself struggling with anxiety, fear of recurrence, and various physical side effects from the treatments and hormonal blockers.  Despite changing my diet, taking supplements, and doing everything I could externally, I constantly feared cancer returning. I lived in a "what if" state, feeling like I was in survival mode rather than enjoying life post-cancer.  This experience taught me something profound: our emotional well-being deeply impacts our physical health.

This realization inspired me to delve deeper into not just nutrition, but also the connection between our internal well-being and our physical body. As a result, I decided to study at the Integrative Institute of Holistic Nutrition and UC San Diego. 

I didn't expect to feel anxious and struggle with life after finishing treatment. It was like getting hit by a brick. 

Navigating the different stages of life as a woman can be challenging, and being a cancer survivor adds another layer. People often expect you to return to "NORMAL" once treatment is over, but life after cancer isn't that simple. Many women I work with feel hopeless, frustrated, fearful, and anxious because they struggle to get back to their pre-cancer selves or navigate this new chapter. Our medical systems often lack post-treatment care, especially regarding nutrition, lifestyle, and emotional healing.

 After my own struggle to find a new "normal" post breast cancer treatments, I discovered just how big of a role nutrition, lifestyle, and emotional well-being play in our overall health. My journey has sparked a deep passion within me to help fellow breast cancer survivors navigate their wellness journey. I know firsthand how tough it can be to find comprehensive support post-cancer, and I'm here to provide the holistic guidance and support I wish I had during my own recovery.

 My journey has inspired me to help women like you live healthier, happier lives from the inside out.

While trying to manage my symptoms with professional help, I felt completely overwhelmed and lost in the vast world of health advice. There were always new supplements, health trends, foods, and exercises claiming to be the best. This confusion led me to dig deeper into the root causes of my health issues and look at health from a holistic perspective, instead of just treating symptoms.

By making changes to my diet, adjusting my lifestyle, and focusing on emotional healing, I learned how to alleviate the long-term side effects of post-cancer treatment and medical menopause symptoms. Small daily changes made a big difference. I realized that inner healing, spiritual health, and emotional well-being were just as important as diet, lifestyle, and exercise.

As a result, I didn't just feel like I was surviving—I was thriving. I discovered that my new life could be even better than before, a thought I never imagined at the start of my healing journey. This revelation inspired me to become a health coach, so I can help other survivors on their healing journeys and show them how to truly enjoy life after cancer.

Now, I'm here to help amazing women like you transform their health from the inside out with sustainable changes.

 is creating a welcoming and safe space for you to explore your personal health journey. I’m here to share valuable knowledge and tools to help you build sustainable health habits that truly fit your unique needs.

my greatest priority is...

everyone's body is unique.  It’s all about finding what works for your lifestyle, preferences, and body, rather than sticking to one strict regimen.

I believe that...

regain energy, clarity, and confidence after treatments so that you can live a healthier life that embraces the new normal. 

my goal is to help you...

– 1 Peter 4:10

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms."

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Join me on this supportive journey to reclaim your health and feel better than ever! With personalized coaching and practical steps, you'll gain the confidence and clarity to truly thrive after cancer.  Start creating the healthier,  happier life you deserve! 

Ready to Take Control of Your Health and Thrive After Cancer? 

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